Friends & Family participating in our Recreational league:
Please review these important items.
Quick/One-Liner of each item:
- Jewelry:
- RYSA enforces the IFAB stance on jewelry. The largest impact to our players is earrings. Earrings are jewelry and CANNOT be worn during a game at Rowlett Community Park (RCP) fields. The Referees have the right and obligation to deny any player to play if deemed not compliant with Law 4 of the Laws of the Game. Taping over jewelry is not permitted.
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- RYSA logos for player jerseys:
- Players should wear the RYSA logo on the left sleeve of their jerseys. Logos have been given to your Coaches to give to you for ironing onto your child’s jersey, left sleeve.
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- Arm Casts/Slings:
- If a parent chooses to allow their child to play with a cast/sling it must be padded so as NOT to be considered "Dangerous Equipment". Our suggestion is to wrap the cast with bubble wrap. The FINAL decision for considering ANY item as "Dangerous Equipment" (including cleats, clothing, etc.) rests with the Referee. (Reference Law 5 of the Laws of the Game.)
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- RYSA Modified playing rules:
- 10U & under have modified playing rules. Please review here.
- 9U/10U only: Blue build-out line FAQs here.
- 12U & below: RYSA adopted the NO HEADING rule for games played at RCP fields.
- Did you know?
- There is NO slide tackling in 8U and below.
- There is NO punting in 10U.
- There is NO heading the ball (intentionally) in 12U and below.
- In 10U there’s a blue line called a ‘build out line’. Read our FAQ here.
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- ID Badges:
- Each team must have 1 rostered adult with a RYSA issued picture ID to be able to play. We highly suggest each team has 2 rostered adults (not spouses). If your coach is in need of an assistant, please sign up to help out your team!! NO BADGE, NO PLAY. YOUR TEAM FORFEITS.
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- Game ball:
- Home team always provides the game ball for play. Visitor team should have a ball ready for use just in case. (Ball must be fully inflated, firm, correct ball size.)
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- Alternate Jerseys:
- Home team is responsible for changing their jersey colors when in conflict or as requested by the Referees. (Some teams choose to obtain a white jersey for home games or will wear pinnies over their jerseys.)
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- Sideline Behaviors:
- For all age groups, players and coaches will sit on the opposite side of the field from spectators. Only rostered players and coaches are allowed on the team side of the field. Each team's spectators should occupy the bleachers directly across the field from their team.
- All parents/spectators must sit on the side with bleachers, closest to or on the bleachers.
- No one on the spectator side may act as coach.
- Parents/spectators are required to be at minimum 3 yards back from the touchline (aka ‘sideline’).
- No coaches/parents/spectators should sit or stand behind any goal line.
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- Concessions at RCP:
- There may be periodic concessions throughout the season by local groups setup by some fields. Do you have a non-profit contact who would like to provide some concessions periodically? Please contact us.
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- NO extraneous equipment on OR NEAR playing fields:
- Extraneous equipment (cameras, microphones, etc.) are not permitted on the goals, nets, flag posts or their flags nor on the ground within the area enclosed by the goal nets.
- NO DRONES. Illegal per City of Rowlett Parks & Rec, Ordinance, and FAA Rules. Contact the police if anyone operates at a match.
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- No smoking (cigarettes or vapor/e-cigarettes) at the fields – parking lot only.
- Pick up after your pets.
- Leave the team area (benches) clean with no trash bottles etc.
- Don’t park on any grass areas or Rowlett P.D. will issue you a ticket!
- Stay off playing fields. Only players in full uniform may be on playing fields to warm-up for their game or to play their game. Please refrain children and others from being on the field during breaks like half-time, etc.
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- During registration every parent and volunteer agreed and signed a ‘Code of Ethics & Conduct’. For reference, it is online here. The entirety of that code applies and is expected from ALL our members. The following excerpts require repeated quotation:
- Do not openly question an official’s judgment and honesty. Officials are symbols of fair play, integrity, and sportsmanship. (NTSSA Parent’s COE, #5)
- Remember that your child learns by example. Children mimic what their parents say. Criticism of the coach, officials, teammates, and/or opponents fosters bad attitudes and can only lead to a negative experience for your child. (NTSSA Parent’s COE, #6)
- Conduct of the Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers, players, parents, or spectators is required to be of high caliber when such individuals are participating in NTSSA or RYSA sponsored events, either directly or indirectly. (RYSA Rules and Regulations COE, 6.1.1).
- No one on the spectator side may act as coach.
- No coaches/parents/spectators should sit or stand behind any goal line.
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If you have questions about these items or others not listed here, please send an email to:
Thank You,
JEWELRY (Excerpt from IFAB Laws of the Game 2022/2023):
“All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are strictly forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted.”
- Q: How do I find the public schedule available to parents, everyone?
- A: On the RYSA website under “Schedules & Standings”
- Q: In 10U & Up how do we see the scores and results for the division?
- A: On the RYSA website under “Schedules & Standings”
- Q: How do I stay up to date with updates, rainouts, etc.?
- Q: How can I become more involved with RYSA?
- A: Volunteers are the backbone of this association and if you can share your time with us there are several opportunities. Contact our VP of Operations at for more info. Be a part of something great!